Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oklahoma Pilgrimage, day 2

Let me just be honest here and tell you that the reason that I stay at LaQuinta has to do with waffles for breakfast. This LaQuinta did not disappoint. I am staying at a LQ at a very strange place at the intersection of the Broken Arrow Expressway and the Mingo Valley Expressway and not far from I-44. There is basically nothing much here but warehouse types of industry.

Well, nothing much here but me and a couple of Oklahoma Methodists in town for their Annual Conference at Boston Avenue UMC downtown. Refer to yesterday's photos to see how a whole Annual Conference can fit in one church. They probably fit in with room to spare -- did I mention that this is a BIG church? By the way, their pastor's last name is Biggs! How appropriate. Mouzon Biggs has been the pastor there since my Tulsa days and that has been a while.

After finishing my waffle, I offered up my Tulsa World to the couple sitting at the table next to mine. We struck up a conversation and that is how I learned that they are lay pastors in town for Annual Conference. They shared with me that they had been leaders in their churches for years (another denomination), but they each had divorced and were no longer allowed to lead in the way they believe God called them to lead. The United Methodist Church found them and they became lay speakers and then lay ministers and they now serve a small church. They are so happy it glows from their faces.

So now, I am armed with the schedule for the Oklahoma Annual Conference and I think I may go to their ordination service this evening. It is amazing how God brings us connections with others.

The world is so small and our God is so big and I am so glad!

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